Many aspects of their initial report were arbitrary and confusing – in an attempt to rectify the situation, they revised their reports and were able to simplify matters for the layman by listing which silencers were noisier than the original, the same or quieter. A wide range of replica silencers were tested including products by Chase, Warby, Lyell, Rudge, Sharpe, Rover and Hutton.
A handful of makers were beginning to develop, test and offer automatic carburettors, including the British company of Maudslay and Co with its Everest instrument. An Everest automatic carburettor was fitted to a Lea Francis entered in the year’s Scottish Six Days Trial. The French maker Longuemare also developed an automatic carburettor, above, from an existing car instrument, for motorcycle applications. Examples were fitted to 350 and 500cc racing motorcycles for further development, including G Fenton’s Grand Prix winning 350cc Clement. The carburettors, assembled in Longuemare’s Paris factory, were offered in the UK by sole British agents Messrs E J Hardy and Co, Queen Victoria Road, Coventry.