The way we were: September 1962



New motorcycle speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats

Riding a 17ft 650cc Triumph, Californian Bill Johnson set the new world record at 224.57mph.

The record speed of 224.60mph was the average of Bill’s required two runs, one in either direction, of 227.17mph and 222.63mph. Earlier in practice the rocket shaped motorcycle had hit 236mph.

Former IoM TT rider and winner of the 1931 Lightweight TT Graham Walker died aged 66 on Friday, September 7, at his home in Hampshire. Walker enjoyed many Continental and Irish racing wins and places. Outside racing, he was captain of the British ISDT team, editor of Motor Cycling from before the Second World War until 1961, a radio and later television commentator, involved in founding the National Motor Museum and of course father of F1 racing commentator Murray.

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