Top selection of display bikes at Bristol Classic



And the winner is…

With several hundred machines on display as private entries or on club stands, picking winners has proved a difficult task.

James Robinson, editor of The Classic MotorCycle magazine has spoken about the fantastic selection of classics in attendance: “There are some lovely machines, many of which are freshly restored.

“Gaby Hunt’s Sans Soupage has been chosen as best in show – and it really is a showstopper. Gaby only finished restoring it on the Friday before the event, too.”

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The unusual machine, a Sans Soupage Emmags 50 to give it its full name, was built in Paris in 1929.

The engine is a Swiss-built MAG while the frame is of unusual pressed-steel construction.

It was bought by its previous owner at a Beaulieu autojumble in the late 1960s and came to Gaby in largely complete form.

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It was displayed on the Wessex Veteran and Vintage Section of the VMCC, a club section which was only formed three years ago.    





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