As well as the club prizes, the opportunity was taken to honour the winners from last year’s Brighton Speed Trials. The Brighton presentation usually follows the meeting, but that was impossible after the sidecar tragedy that caused a premature end to the event.
The Sprint Section has always had an open-minded approach to entries and this is reflected in the awards for this year, with a vintage bike, a Japanese classic and a classic Italian scooter in the top three, as well as a sidecar securing the top speed prize award.
Main news from the AGM is that the club is hoping to hold two events this year at Thorney Island, a military base on the south coast near Chichester. These will be in addition to the sprint demonstration at the Festival of 1000 Bikes, the Brighton Speed Trials and the Eelmoor straight and twisty double-header meeting in September.
The club is keen to attract more riders. Virtually anything with two or three wheels and an engine can be sprinted. More details at:
Sprint section championship shield results
1. Victor ‘Max’ Aldous, Lambretta 200
2. Clive Hurst, Kawasaki 500
3. Bernard White, Douglas 500
Top Speed Award – Manzano Trophy
Dave Woodard/Darren Saunders Suzuki sidecar