Written by Brighton’s wall of death historian, Ann Wright, this book focuses on the history of the Todd and Soutter families’ involvements in the wall of death between 1929 and the Sixties, and has a great deal of personal involvement, given that the author herself was born a Todd!

Thanks to Ann’s upbringing – fully immersed in the wall of weath lifestyle – this is not only a real insider view into the livelihood of those who rode the wall, but is also an enjoyable, interesting and a fascinating insight into society and entertainment of the time!
The content of the book is easily explained by the image of the people that feature on the cover image.
The man on the rollers on the top bally is the author’s father, George Todd, while on the lower bally, from left to right, are Ann’s Aunt Trude Todd Roedel (Swiss), her uncle Bob Todd, who was very famous for roller skating on the wall, and her mother, Winifred Todd, who was also known as Fearless Winnie (Soutter was her maiden name). And who can resist reading a book that contains a character called Fearless Winnie?