GIVEN THE VINCENT’S reputation as one of the most remarkable motorcycles ever manufactured, any book which attempts to cover the subject needs to be similarly accomplished.
This massive hardback, which runs to 400 fact-packed, full-colour pages, is the most comprehensive volume currently available. It discusses why and how the brand declined into bankruptcy, and why the big Vin inspired – and continues to inspire – generations of mechanics and engineers.

The dense and detailed text reveals why the design is still capable and competitive today, on track and on the road, and presents a comprehensive view of Vincent derivatives up to the present day, including café racers, chops, and bobs.
It also covers racing and competition, Fritz Egli’s achievements and the potential future of the Vincent. A mammoth book which should satisfy even the most well-informed enthusiast.
Author Philippe Guyony.
Publisher Veloce.
ISBN 978-1-845849-02-3. £100
Read more reviews, news, views, letters and opinion in the October issue of CBG